Juliana Lee Team

JLee Realty
4260 El Camino Real
Palo Alto CA 94306

dre: 02103053


JLee Realty Homes For Sale

Real Estate Agent Commission

In 2024 it became necessary for a real estate agent to get a written agreement with a potential buyer before they could tour a home with them. Claims had been made that sellers were forced to pay a...

Building “Affordable Housing”

Does the need for more housing that is affordable mean simply low-income housing? Projects that are being proposed focus on building small condos as the path to creating more affordable housing....

Making A Purchase Offer

For many years in Silicon Valley, a purchase offer for a home was typically made at a specified “purchase offer date” promoted by the sellers’ real estate agent. A preemptive offer would sometimes be made, before the purchase offer date, by buyers who were especially motivated. With restrictions on meetings caused by the coronavirus, making a purchase offer is going to become similar to making a preemptive offer. Each potential buyer will submit his offer when he decides to, and he will have minimal knowledge of any competing buyers. The value of the knowledge a top agent has and the value of the agent’s network will surely increase.